Clinical Diagnostic Solutions Microsite

Front-end Development | Development Lead | Design Direction

For the first time in Bio-Rad's 66 year existence, an earnest effort was made to deliver real-world, pertinent information straight to their customers in a unified and organized manner. All company divisions and all creative groups were involved in this globalized project. The result was a successful and on-time delivered product that related all major Bio-Rad Clinical Diagnostic instruments and products to each other and more importantly to potential customer needs.

As this was a joint effort, I provided the team with UX Strategy and Development Leadership as well as UI and Layout Direction all the while helping guide an eccentric and very creative team to produce new material while adhering to stringent global brand guidelines.

The microsite and outreach campaigns were launched through Marketo and boast actual adaptive design and usability, cross-browser compatibility down to IE9 (we have customers with old machines) and Global and FDA Regulated content with smart distribution of Salesforce leads.

I successfully used styling hacks to overwrite Marketo's native "responsive" options and built my own custom framework that would work nicely with modern browsers and devices, play nice with internal antiquated systems and be easy to implement and update in the future.

Jenny & Peren's Wedding
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